Writing Prompts

Dear Bi-lingering…

Choose one or more prompts to write about.

If you’d like to share a story about your relationship to language
that is unrelated to the below prompts we have shared, feel free to write about that instead.


Tell us about a moment when you used the wrong word or used a phrase incorrectly. Describe the context and how you felt.


Write about a word or phrase you learned that had an impact on you. Where or from whom did you learn it? Why did it have an impact?


Do you have a traumatic memory associated with being a Bi-Lingerer? What happened?


Tell us about a time you dreamt in another language. Was it surprising to you? Were you more fluent speaking in your dream than in waking life?

Describe a moment when you were surrounded by a language you didn’t understand (restaurant, travel, etc). What was the first thing that came to mind in that situation?

What language have you always wanted to learn? Why?