Digital Letter Kit
Digital Letter Kit Instructions
Respond to one or more of the writing prompts:
There is no limitation on how much you write.
You can write in any language you feel comfortable in, including
mixing languages, e.g. “Spanglish,” “Pinglish,” etc.
Begin your letter with: Dear Bi-Lingering. Sign your letter as Bi-Lingerer, or your first name, if you feel comfortable.
Writing Prompts:
Choose one or more prompts to write about:
A. Tell us about a moment when you used the wrong word or used a phrase incorrectly. Describe the context and how you felt.
B. Write about a word or phrase you learned that had an impact on you. Where or from whom did you learn it? Why did it have an impact?
C. Do you have a traumatic memory associated with being a Bi-Lingerer? What happened?
D. Tell us about a time you dreamt in another language. Was it surprising to you? Were you more fluent speaking in your dream than in waking life?
E. Describe a moment when you were surrounded by a language you didn’t understand (restaurant, travel, etc). What was the first thing that came to mind in that situation?
F. What language have you always wanted to learn? Why?
If you’d like to share a story that exemplifies your relationship to language that is unrelated to the above prompts, feel free to share it.
2. Submit your letter:
Option 1: Type your letter and submit it in the form below.
Option 2: Handwrite your letter, take photos of it or scan it, and email it to bilingering@gmail.com.
Option 3: Mail your letter to the below address. Please write your name on the return envelope, so we’ll
know to send you your art card.
c/o Gazelle Samizay
777 Florida St, #104
San Francisco, CA 94110 USA
3. After receiving your letter we will mail you the limited edition art card you selected when you signed up on our website. If your first choice is unavailable, we will send you a different art card while supplies last.
Stay tuned as Bi-Lingering unfolds. You can follow the project at www.bilingering.com or @bilingering on Instagram. Feel free to tag us: #bilingering. Thank you for your participation!
Digital Letter Submission Form
If you prefer to submit your letter digitally, please use the below form: